Repurposing of Diablo Canyon Facilities
The DCPP site comprises more than just the containment structures for the reactors and the turbine building where electricity is generated. The site also has other structures including office buildings, warehouses, training facilities, maintenance shops, a marina and breakwaters, and a desalinization facility which could be maintained and repurposed. These facilities are all located on the approximate 700-acre portion of the Diablo Canyon Lands.
There may be benefits to the repurposing of certain non-contaminated facilities, if it can be done in a manner that it is sustainable and does not compromise public safety and the environmental quality of the region. The repurposing of these facilities could allow for the creation of new jobs to replace those lost through the closure of DCPP, decrease the volume of dismantled facility debris transported thereby minimizing the potential traffic conflicts through Avila Beach and on other local streets and highways and create opportunities to minimize the costs of decommissioning by limiting the amount of dismantling and removal.

Vision, Goals and Recommendations
The DCDEP’s Strategic Vision sets forth Visions, Goals and Recommendations for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant Facilities based on input received from the community, including many organizations interested in using the Diablo Canyon Facilities for new and innovative uses. The Vision Statements focus on repurposing of Diablo Canyon facilities as an alternative to demolition.
Through these vision statements, goals and recommendations, it is the intent of the DCDEP to offer repurposing of Diablo Canyon facilities as an alternative to demolition.
Vision Statements
- The repurposing of facilities should be consistent with the safety and security of the spent fuel storage until such time as it is removed from the site
- The preservation of on-site non-contaminated facilities for repurposing should be explored by PG&E
- The repurposing of facilities should include thorough removal of radiological contamination to comply with regulatory levels as defined by the appropriate agencies
- The repurposing of facilities should consider whether a use can be sustained over time, is consistent with public safety and the continued environmental quality of the region and addresses community traffic concerns
- The repurposing of facilities should consider the conservation of the breakwaters and associated harbor area and the intake and discharge coves and associated marine terraces, to assure the protection of the ecological resources of the area
- The repurposing of facilities should only include land associated with Parcel P that is developed and necessary for a buffer of ongoing decommissioning activities
- The repurposing of facilities should be explored as way to, at a minimum, create new local jobs and promote the establishment of clean, green renewable energy sources
- The repurposing of the transmission lines should be explored for the transmission of wind, wave, solar and/or other clean, green renewable energy
- The preservation of the existing desalinization plant should be explored
Existing Facilities
- The buildings and structures should be repurposed, provided a proposed use can be sustained over time, safety is not compromised and the environmental quality of the community is assured
- The development of a strategy for management of the facilities should be completed by PG&E at the earliest possible time so potential repurposing tenants can be appropriately determined and advance planning for transfer and reuse can occur
- The preparation of a detailed list of assets available for repurposing, including a description of the facility, the type of facility (e.g., office, warehouse, etc.), square footage of the facility, age of the facility, and when the facility would become available for repurposing should be prepared by PG&E
- The maintenance of existing facilities by PG&E should occur until such time as the facilities are repurposed or determined to not be viable for repurposing to ensure that the facilities do not degrade over time
- The construction of infill development on Parcel P should be allowed provided safety is not compromised and the environmental quality of the community is maintained
- The Diablo Canyon Lands associated with Parcel P that are not developed and are not necessary for a buffer of ongoing activities should be released for open space and conservation
- The future use of repurposed facilities should not generate a substantial increase in traffic through surrounding communities during times of peak traffic
- The continued use of the desalination plant beyond decommissioning should be explored by PG&E to allow for provision of on-site water to repurposing tenants
- The potential use of the desalination plant for provision of emergency water to local water purveyors should be evaluated
Marine Facilities
- The breakwaters and associated harbor should remain in place consistent with the environmental quality and safety of the area and region
- The harbor and breakwater areas should be managed and repurposed in a manner consistent with the protection of habitat and wildlife
- The harbor should be available as a “safe harbour” to boaters in distress
- The discharge cove should be studied by qualified individuals during and after decommissioning to fully understand and remove any radiological contamination to comply with regulatory levels as defined by the appropriate agencies
- The long-term health of the marine ecosystem and coastal areas should continue to be monitored by PG&E throughout the decommissioning process
Specific Uses
- The potential for a public-private collaborative research and development facility (such as a “National Laboratory”) with emphasis on marine sciences, renewable energy development technologies, energy storage, optimum storage for irradiated waste, desalinization and other technology innovation should be further investigated by PG&E
- The granting of a long-term lease or purchase with favorable terms for Native American tribal use for office, storage and tribal meetings/gatherings should be considered
- The use of the Ontario Road facility and parking as a Visitor Education Center, which highlights local history including Chumash culture, energy education and natural history should be considered
- The use of the existing parking lot at the Ontario Road facility for shuttle or bus service to the Diablo Canyon Lands should be considered
- The possibility of repurposing of facilities for innovative uses including, but not limited to, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, wind, wave, solar or other renewable energy, business incubators, clean technology startups, saltwater aquarium, transmission facility projects, energy storage, wastewater recycling, innovative mental health treatment center and California State University and/or University of California research facilities should be evaluated by PG&E
Existing Facilities
- Recommend that the CPUC encourage PG&E to repurpose as many buildings and assets as is sustainably viable without compromising public safety, and considering community traffic concerns and the continued environmental quality of the region
- Recommend that PG&E, in conjunction with possible future tenants or owners, and with the assistance of County Planning and Building, undertake a coordinated scoping effort to determine allowable uses, carrying capacity of existing infrastructure and potential improvements that could support repurposing
- Recommend that PG&E develop a strategy for management of the facilities at the earliest possible time and set up a process for receiving proposals and negotiating terms for re-purposing specific parts of that infrastructure so potential repurposing tenants can be appropriately determined and advance planning for transfer and reuse can occur
- Recommend that PG&E prepare a list of all buildings and assets available for repurposing, including detailed descriptions of the facility, the type of facility (e.g., office, warehouse, etc), square footage of the facility, age of the facility, and when the facility would become available for repurposing
- Recommend that PG&E maintain remaining facilities not needed to facilitate decommissioning until such time as the facilities are repurposed or determined to not be achievable for a sustainable repurposing tenant, to ensure that the facilities do not degrade over time
- Recommend that construction of infill development on Parcel P be allowed provided safety is not compromised and the environmental quality of the community is maintained
- Recommend that PG&E identify undeveloped lands on Parcel P which could be released for open space and conservation, and release those lands as soon as feasible
- Recommend that the CPUC require PG&E or a successor interest incorporate into leases the requirement that new uses not generate substantial additional traffic through surrounding communities during times of peak traffic
- Recommend that PG&E evaluate maintaining the existing desalination plant while not compromising environmental quality
Marine Facilities
- Recommend that PG&E retain the breakwaters and associated harbor and explore opportunities for repurposing the harbor consistent with the environmental quality and safety of the area and region
- Recommend that PG&E require management of the harbor be accomplished in a manner that preserves the natural habitat, allows for long term maintenance and creates a safe harbour for boaters in distress
- Recommend that PG&E continue to monitor and study the harbor throughout the decommissioning process to ensure the sensitive marine habitat is preserved and radiological contamination complies with regulatory levels as defined by the appropriate agencies
Specific Uses
- Recommend that PG&E investigate the potential for a public-private collaborative research and development facility (such as a National Laboratory) with emphasis on marine sciences, renewable energy development technologies, energy storage, optimum storage for irradiated waste, desalinization and other technology innovation as soon as possible
- Recommend that PG&E consider granting a long-term lease or purchase with favorable terms for Native American tribal use of existing facilities for, at a minimum, an office, storage and tribal meetings/gatherings
- Recommend that PG&E consider use of the Ontario Road facility and parking as a Visitor Education Center, which highlights local history including local Native American culture, energy education and natural history
- Recommend that the existing parking area at the Ontario Road facility be maintained for shuttle or bus service to the Diablo Canyon Lands
- Recommend that PG&E investigate the possibility of repurposing of facilities for innovative uses including, but not limited to, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, low impact water-based recreation uses, wind, wave, solar or other renewable energy, energy storage, business incubators, clean technology startups, saltwater aquarium, transmission facility projects, wastewater recycling, innovative mental health treatment center and California State University and/or University of California research facilities