Public Meeting
CEQA and the California Coastal Act
March 11, 20206:00 PM - 9:30 PM
The goal to begin decommissioning immediately upon shutdown is dependent upon receiving the necessary permits and approvals from numerous agencies. This public meeting will address the implications of CEQA and the California Coastal Act on decommissioning. PG&E will also provide an update on the status of the 2018 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding.
Dear Members of the Community and Other Interested Parties:
Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak in California, the DCDEP is requesting that the public participate in the upcoming meeting of the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel by” Live Stream” and avoid attending the meeting in person. The Panel is attempting to follow local and state public health department and CDC recommendations, which advise older persons and those with underlying chronic medical conditions such as heart or lung disease, diabetes or immunosuppression to avoid large public gatherings. Unfortunately, this would preclude many on the Panel from attending, along with many in the public.
For this reason, we have decided to limit in-person attendance at the March 11th meeting to the Panel members and speakers only. We still want to hear your voice and request that you participate online. It is very important to us. The meeting will be live-streamed and public comments and questions can be posted online through our website. The panel will make every effort to read the public comments and answer any questions in real time during the meeting.
- SLO County CEQA/EIR/CDP process and timing,
- the new CPUP Tribal Lands Policy,
- updates from PG&E on critical issues, and
- the status of the Request for Proposal on a new Dry Cask Storage System for spent nuclear fuel.
There will be plenty of time for public comment and the Panel plans to read aloud public comments and questions submitted online during the meeting.