Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel
Public Comments
Date | Decommissioning Topic | Comment / Suggestion: | Group Affiliation, if any (Optional) | Link to Web Page or Online File | Uploaded File 1 | Uploaded File 2 |
March 16, 2020 | Other | We as Californians are making a galactic mistake in shutting this plant down. I am more interested in a discussion of how to keep Diablo running than I am in shutting it down. | ||||
March 14, 2020 | Other | I am very interested in understanding how the decommissioning of D.N.P.F. Will affect the hydro electric facilities such as San Luis Reservoir near Santa Nella Ca.the those located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. If you could recommend a contact for this info I'd be grateful. | N/A | |||
March 14, 2020 | Lands | Dear DCDECP Panel Members- I wanted to write a brief note to the Panel to address some of the many things I heard and saw on the most recent meeting that was televised on Wednesday March 11th. Thank you for televising the meeting in it's entirety and including and allowing the public to participate and comments via computer. For some reason, my original comments did not get registered. My thoughts and observations and input - specifically are aimed at echoing the two presentations that I saw made by Kara Woodruff about Land Transfer and Use-and Linda Seeley, who made a great summary of the Dry Cask Storage Process. I thought what Kara presented was a great perspective that reflected the respect and inclusion of Native American's opportunity to be much more included in the process. The accelerated and incomplete Native American Transfer process being formulated by the CPUC is a logical and honorable intent to work with the Native American Tribes who were directly impacted to their Ancestral lands. The fact that the CPUC did little or no outreach to the tribes and the other dedicated groups and agencies that have been deeply involved with Diablo Canyon specifically seems like a tragic oversight, and the fact that they held no local meetings to gather input or discuss the protocol or process seems glaringly wrong- and I was glad to hear the the DCDEP, and PGE were both writing letters requesting that the CPUC does indeed hold a local meeting, and include the goals, objectives, and observations of the Strategic Vision Document - which reflects our communities strong preference to conserve and preserve the open space and land in perpetuity. As a native plant ecologist, I want to speak up for the many plants, animals, and habitats that rely on Diablo Lands to be left in tact and have minimal disturbance and human interference. I am in agreement with conservation easements and controlled public access- but reluctant to build an extensive network of trails, camping, and other potentially invasive and unintended human interference with the natural habitat. Given the current perspectives of State Parks within our region, I would be reluctant to look at annexing the land to the State Parks. I do like the idea of a long term Conservation and Land Management agreement with Land trusts or Conservancy groups- who can both effectively manage the natural treasures of the land, and provide research, recreation, and appreciatoion for the habitat values and cultural values of the precious land. In closing- please continue to do the great and important work you are performing. The DCDEP is accomplishing significant goals and objectives as a representative of a broad cross section of the public that will be affected by this transition. Thank you to PGE and Tom Jones- for continuing to be at the table, and participating and supporting the Panel in setting and determining practical solutions to a Post Power Plant future, and being responsible and willing to mitigate and minimize the risks associated with a Nuclear Power plant and all its inherent dangers and pollutants. I look forward to participating in future workshops and meetings and again am grateful to each of you for your heroic efforts and input on our behalf. Respectfully yours- | ||||
March 13, 2020 | Lands | Dear PG&E Staff and Members of the Engagement Panel: Please find attached a letter of support for the protection of the Diablo Canyon Lands so that Californians will have recreational access to thousands of acres of wild and scenic land and a proposed 20 plus mile coastal trail stretching from Avila Beach to Montana de Oro. Santa Barbara County Trails Council | Santa Barbara County Trails Council | Trails-Council-Letter-to-PGE-March-2020.pdf | ||
March 12, 2020 | Los Osos | I would like to see your group ensure that all the Northern Chumash tribal groups are represented in decision-making about how the land and water are protected and used. Returning these areas to indigenous control is the most just and equitable approach. I look forward to the Northern Chumash management and the cultural and economic opportunities they would create. | ||||
March 12, 2020 | TEST | test | ||||
March 12, 2020 | Santa Margarita | See attachment | CMA, Central Coast Longriders | SUBMITTAL-OF-COMMENTS.docx | ||
March 12, 2020 | Santa Margarita | 1360 Parkhill Road | - None - | |||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | While conservation of the Diablo Canyon lands has been repeatedly affirmed by San Luis Obispo residents, I am concerned about the disposition of the land's ownership in the face of the current bankruptcy proceedings and looming court deadline for a proposed resolution. It is all well and good to propose any number of conservation & ownership options for public and/or tribal benefit, but realistically, does this present exercise have legal standing under the current legal cloud hanging over PG&E? | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Tribal Lands issue of Rights of First Refusal: | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | It's imperative land transfers from PG&E include conservation easements. County residents have been fighting for this for years. Additionally, the decomissioning project must include protection of and access to Diablo Lands. Thank you. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Repurposing of Facilities | What is the status of repurposing the desal plant? | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | I have been actively advocating for creation of a "Pecho Coast National Seashore" (or National Park) since I first published an article recommending this strategy in December, 2016. See the attached file. I'm still recommending that the Panel consider this option seriously for the following reasons: 1. As a unit of the National Park system, Federal funds would be available for access improvements, recreational facilities including trails and campsites, and potentially for re-purposing many of the buildings that are currently under the control of PG&E but which will no longer be needed for power generation. 2. The National Park system as a whole, and this unit in particular, is founded on a premise of broad public engagement and participation by local entities - including Native Americans. 3. As a National Park (or Seashore), these lands would continue to serve as intact ecological units and funds would be available for fisheries restoration, archaeological and historical investigations, and research into the impacts of climate change on this rare coastal shelf. 4. Finally, a National Park would attract visitors from throughout the entire world. It would not be out of bounds to suggest that the economic impact of the National Park services ALONE could offset up to 1/3 of the loss in local economic activity that will result when the power plant closes. Thank you for considering my views. | Pecho-Coast-National-Seashore-latest-draft.docx.docx | |||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | If the land go to a tribe and become part of the tribal lands, what controls do the Counties have on development as Tribes are a sovereign nation? In Santa Ynez, the County did not have much control over development of private lands the Chumash Tribe purchased and transferred into Tribal lands. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Environmental Impacts | I am submitting comments to the newly adopted Tribal Land Transfer Policy. First, there was not sufficient public input process on this policy. San Luis Obispo citizens have been very involved in the Decomissioning process for Diablo Canyon. No one was aware this policy was being considered, not even people on the Decommissioning Panel. The Policy should be rescinded and, if it is still desired, a full public involvement process followed that engages all the communities potentially impacted, especially San Luis Obispo County since we are in the Decomissioning process and this policy greatly affects us. We should also be involved in any rule making for a policy that affects the dispersement of any Public Utility lands. Secondly, the in the Decomissioning Panel hearings, public has given overwhelming support for the lands to be purchased for conservation and recreation hiking, biking and horseback riding on a coastal and inland trail system that will link Montana de Oro State Park to Avila/Irish Hills. The lands and coastline are outstandingly pristine and should remain that way, not developed. This is the largest contiguous undeveloped coastal lands in Southern California. It is unique and can never be replaced. Even the military bases are riddled with roads, target ranges, launch sites, etc. Public support for conservation and recreation is documented in the Decommissioning Panels Strategic Plan and in the SLO County 2000 Dream Initiative. Third, I think this policy is inappropriate. Public Utility investments have been funded by all the public and all the public should benefit from an dispersement of public utility lands. The Public Utility did not steal these lands from Native Americans; they bought them and presumably anyone else could have bought the lands when they were for sale. Nor did the Americans steal the land. The Spaniards conquered the native population in the south part of California and made Land Grants to private individuals, Mexico won California from Spain, then the United States won the lands from Mexico, but honored the Spanish Land Grants. If there are local people who have Native American ancestry who want land, they could go and buy a piece of land like any other person. Lastly, if the lands are transferred to tribes or any other entity, a conservation easement should be attached and recorded to any land prior to any transfer away from PG&E (or its subsidiaries) such that regardless of who owns the land (tribal or otherwise), the conservation values are protected and sustainable public access is assured -- in perpetuity. Santa Ynez went through a recent struggle with the Chumash Tribe where the tribe acquired a piece of private land, had it converted to tribal land, and then the County had very little control over development on the land. If the tribe is serious about wanting to conserve the land, they should support a conservation easement to prevent development and to ensure public recreation access on established trails. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | What is the length of time for the first right of refusal | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | I am very concerned to learn of the new CPUC Tribal Land Transfer Policy and the potential impacts that this policy could have to WildCherry Canyon, other Diablo lands and Avila Beach. During the meeting I was happy to hear that conservation easements could be attached prior to any transfer away from PG&E (or its subsidiaries) such that regardless of who owns the land (tribal or otherwise), the conservation values are protected and sustainable public access is assured -- in perpetuity. I strongly recommend that this occur. The CPUC needs to have a meeting for Avila citizens to hear our concerns. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Cambria | Due to the timing of the CPUC Tribal Lands Transfer Policy adoption in December before the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel was even aware of the policy, I strongly encourage that the Panel take a step back and look towards an inclusive outreach to the local communities and indigenous tribes who were left out of this process. This policy has a direct bearing on the panel’s mission to recommend future use of the land. This is an opportunity to preserve one of the last coastal lands that are undeveloped with a long and deep history of the first protectors of the land and sea, the Chumash people. The land should be protected and not to be turned into expensive homes for the few. Sincerely, | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Why would this not also go to LOCAC since the lands back up to and affect the Los Osos community? | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | This 12,000 acres of California coast line needs to be protected for the cultural, flora and fauna resources. It should become open space for the general public, with multi-use trails. The trail system should include coastal and interior trails, plus some connecting trails. Back country camps for hikers and equestrians is important. The land could become part of Montana de Oro State Park. The Trail Alliance of SLO County, representing equestrians, hikers, and mountain bikers from a number of local organizations could be a key partner in providing input. | Trail Alliance of SLO County | |||
March 11, 2020 | Community Outreach Process | This is Chuck Anders, Panel Facilitator. We are having technical difficulties transmitting the meeting. We are working on the problem and will resume the meeting when resolved. Please stay with us. Thank you. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Am concerned that the PUC’s order about first rights of purchase is beyond their scope, if there is even a federally recognized tribe over that area, the possibility of unfettered develops, and the fact that there were no hearings in locals this would affect. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Economic impact | You have had several meetings regarding economic impact... A lot of polite talk... Have there been any conclusions ?.... hourglass... Please comment | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Will Costal commission regulations apply to Native Americans Sovereign lands ? | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Please ask the rep from San Luis Obispo County Planning comment regarding cpuc tribal lands policy... Sovereign Nation status, Chumash Casino Santa Ynez etc | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Community Outreach Process | Michael A. Khus-zarate To Whom It May Concern, I grew up on the Central Coast where my family has always resided and still do so. I now live in the Fresno area and work as an educator at Clovis Unified School District. However, I maintain close ties with my family and tribal members on the central coast. Former Member, Congressional Advisory Council on California Indian Policy * Note: there is no scientific or government consensus on the definition of “tribe”. In California the term is used loosely to describe family-clan groups and multiple family groups. | Northern Chumash Bear Clan | Diablo-Ltr-PUC.docx | ||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Because of the power plant, the 12,000 acres of land remain some of the most pristine lands in California. These lands should be kept as open space, with multi-use trails (coastal, inland and a few in-between trails). Integrating the lands into the existing Montana de Oro State Park, or creating a new National Seashore (similar to Pt Reyes National Seashore) would make the most sense. Incorporating Wild Cherry Canyon into the park, or to be sold to the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo, would be the icing on the cake. Protection of sensitive cultural, flora and fauna must also happen. The Chumash would be good stewards, but I have concerns about their potential ability to develop projects, such as a casino, with minimum public input. | Atascadero Horsemen’s Club | |||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | I am in support of the in-perpetuity conservation of the 12,000 acres of Diablo Canyon Lands. As a local teacher and mother, I care about the world we are leaving for our children. Here we have a chance to preserve one of the last, coastal stretches of natural California for ourselves and future generations. The county of San Luis Obispo is unique due to its prioritization of land conservation. On any given weekend, the cars of people who are eager to explore nature fill the parking lots of our numerous open spaces. This increases the vitality, health, and well-being of our communities. Support for the conservation of public lands is further reflected in The Dream Initiate of 2000 (passed by nearly 75% of SLO County residents called for the conservation of and public access to the Diablo Canyon Lands once the plant closes. In addition, as a public park, the land can generate tourism dollars to support the local economy. Protection of the Diablo Canyon Lands not only gives people recreational access to thousands of acres, it also enables a 20 plus mile coastal trail stretching from Avila Beach to Montana de Oro. And, importantly, the Diablo Canyon Lands are truly unique from an ecological perspective – much of Coastal California has been forever lost to run-away, ill-conceived development. I ask PG&E and County of San Luis Obispo to enact the conservation of and public access to the Diablo Canyon Lands This is what the community has asked for, and it is what the community deserves. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Can a conservation easement be attached and recorded to any PG&E land prior to any transfer away from PG&E? | ||||
March 11, 2020 | San Luis Obispo | To the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel: Over the past 36 years I have been welcomed at many ceremonies led by Michael Khus-zarate and his mother Pilulaw Khus in Diablo Canyon, Painted Rock on the Carrizo Plain, Cayucos Beach, and other places important to the Northern Chumash Bear Clan. I had planned to attend your 3/11/20 meeting to read a letter from Michael because he could not attend. You should have that letter. I'm writing this to reiterate these points: 1. It is important that you include Michael Bear-Walking Khus-zarate of the Northern Chumash Bear Clan and Fred Collins of the Northern Chumash Tribal Council in the process for PARTY STATUS regarding (PG&E application A18-12-008). 2. The Chumash were a large and varied group united by language and culture, who inhabited the lands from north of Morro Bay to Malibu and from the Channel Islands to the San Gabriel Mountains for thousands of years before the Europeans came. Their descendants are still here, but Native American lineage is complicated because an estimated nine out of ten Native people were killed or died of disease throughout California and the whole United States, mostly during the 1800s, and the remainder dispersed. 3. Today, there is no one group that exclusively represents coastal California Native peoples. Various Chumash groups exist, but all represent the diverse composition of Native Californians that is the reality today. 4. I want to see the lands surrounding Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant protected and preserved. Its unique and increasingly rare habitats, and the wildlife who live here, must not be subjected to development. Thank you very much for your work. Sincerely, | ||||
March 11, 2020 | San Luis Obispo | Dear esteemed and hard-working Panel, Being in attendance for a recent presentation at a Mothers for Peace meeting, reading the current local Sierra Club newsletter, as well as reading today's editorial in the Tribune, one would wonder at the furious attempt to gain support to upend the new Land Policy decision of the CPUC. Instead of recognizing the progressive decision made with this ruling, efforts are being directed to once again put limitations, in perpetuity, on possible land acquisition by the local Native American Tribe. There seems to be a basic underlying fear or mistrust directing all these efforts. I wonder where this fear comes from- certainly our families have proven themselves capable of being good stewards of the land, as we all should know the history of this area and our role as being successful caretakers of this land for thousands of years. The fear of development? Our inherent responsibility to this land is preservation and conservation. Our history of working with the Land Conservancy of SLO has succeeded in providing managed public access to the Pismo Preserve- and yet, efforts have already been needed to thwart folks from “loving a place to death.” Even so, what we have stated from the beginning of this journey in presenting to the Engagement Panel is to include managed public access in our plans. We honor the incredible beauty and gift of these lands, and want others to honor them as well. So where does this fear come from? Just as our DNA holds the life blood and spirit of those who came before us, so also does the DNA of all who are on this panel. Just as we are willing to fight for the return of our homelands, so also is there seemingly some sort of historical replication in some for seeking control over our behavior and actions. I would ask the panel to support the CPUC tribal lands policy as written, as it aligns beautifully with the vision document of this decommissioning engagement panel. Thank you all for you continuing work. It has and continues to make a difference. Sincerely, Wendy Lucas | yttyt Northern Chumash | |||
March 11, 2020 | Los Osos | 1801 Ferrell Ave. These are some of the most pristine lands on the central coast. Do Not sell them off for building Mc mansions and Mega hotels. These lands should be given back to the native americans as this was all theirs to being with. | - None - | |||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | March 11, 2020 The Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel: I would like to commend the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel (Panel) for its significant public outreach including eight public community meetings and six all-day public workshops. Through these interactions they listened to the public’s concerns and to different perspectives. They became the conduit between the public and various regulatory agencies and PGE. So far, their outreach has generated over 1,000 comments from the public meetings and workshops, online forms, emails and conversations with Panel members. These comments are a direct result of the Panel’s and local community members’ deep commitment to the future of Diablo Lands. This work resulted in the Strategic Vision, Goals and Recommendations as written in the Panel’s “A Strategic Vision”. Anyone listening, or attending this meeting should read the Vision statement at https://diablocanyonpanel.org/ The vision statement is comprehensive and represents the San Luis Obispo County community including our tribal community. It’s a document that provides guidance for the multiple aspects of shutting down a nuclear power plant including what is left behind when decommissioning is complete. One tonight’s agenda is the California Public Utilities Commission Investor-Owned Utility (IOU) First Right of Refusal for Disposition of Real Property within the Ancestral Territories of California Native American Tribes – (CPUC Tribal Land Policy). This policy is compatible with the Panel’s Vision Statement and I encourage everyone to read the CPUC Tribal Land Policy. You’ll see for yourself what it does for California Tribes but also what it doesn’t do. It can be found on the CPUC.gov.ca. It’s a courageous document with the goal of acknowledging past injustices against California Tribes but it’s not a free pass for us, or for any tribe. The CPUC Tribal Land Policy gives us a first chance to discuss purchasing property and if we become purchasers, we’ll be governed by the same standards as other buyers. These standard should include appropriate conservation easements and a variety of managed public accesses and activities. We are indigenous to San Luis Obispo County and region but we’re also your neighbors and your co-workers. While San Luis Obispo County and Region is our ancestral homeland, we know it’s your home too. We’re not the only ones who love this place and we all want to see a good outcome for Diablo Lands. SLO County residents respect the history of our region and many families have lived here for generations, but regardless of how long you’ve lived here, it’s now your home and place you care about too. As a landless tribe, we hope to find a way forward to acquire property at Diablo Lands. We wrote our first letter to Pacific Gas and Electric, on this topic, within a few days of the announcement of the power plants decommissioning and we have been working for a positive outcome ever since. I’ll end by once again encouraging you to read the Panel’s Vision Statement then read the CPUC Tribal Land Policy. Thank you, Mona Olivas Tucker, Chair | yak tityu tityu yak tiłhini – Northern Chumash Tribe San Luis Obispo County and Region | |||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | The majestic coastal property, known as the Diablo Canyon Lands, if open to more public coastal access than is currently available, should, in my opinion, be managed like the current Point Buchon managed access trail program. People should tread upon this area lightly, saving it for future generations as a research site and a preserve for the rich, diverse intertidal biological resources and the abundant coastal bird rookeries in this area. I am in particular concerned about human impact to the intertidal areas. As a docent with State Parks and retired biologist, I understand that encountering tide Tide pools and the ocean's intertidal zones contain some of the most diverse collections of life on our planet and especially so along this coastline—it is imperative that any future plans for access to the Diablo Canyon lands maintain that diversity. . My other concern regarding the management of the Diablo Canyon Lands is the protection of numerous cultural sites, some dating to over 9000 years old, that without a managed access plan would attract collectors who know how to detect these sensitive Native American sites. Cal Poly’s Anthropology department has worked with the Native American community and currently have several study sites along this coastline. Many of these cultural sites are easily accessible along the current Point Buchon trail, but those who may be searching for artifacts are directed by trail attendants to stay on trail. The trail attendants are aware of these cultural site locations and protect them from human disturbance. I urge you to work with organizations like Land Conservancy of SLO, Wildland’s Conservancy group, or UC Natural Reserve system. I also urge the engagement panel to support the preservation of these lands by developing managed access programs Best regards, Sally Krenn | Pt-Buchon-headland-copy.docx | |||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | I urge conservation of Diablo Canyon Lands. The conservation of (in perpetuity) and public access to the Diablo Canyon Lands makes sense on multiple levels. The land is remote, prone to fire damage, and has a single lane in and out. There is no access to existing services and amenities. These lands are truly unique from an ecological perspective - much of coastal California has been forever lost to development. Here, we have a chance to preserve one of the last coastal stretches of natural California for current and future generations. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Decommissioning Funding | Please address how this plan fits within PG&E's ongoing bankruptcy proceedings, and the company's ability to accommodate the great financial liability of decommissioning while facing ongoing disaster-related penalties and mitigation costs. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands and Tribal transfer | We need the "tonic of wildness" we can never have enough nature. The Diablo Canyon Lands and the Pecho Coast is where "wildness" still reigns. As the Chumash, who occupied these lands for thousands of years, remind us - all life is a gift. These wild places give us so much, and we are the lucky ones who have seen and felt the wildness this land has to offer. Now is the time to return the favor, these lands need us to find ways that they will not only be there for our children and grandchildren, but will remain wild. Continuing the land stewardship of managed access that has kept this place so special requires foresight, understanding, and creative effort. A collaborative effort with land conservancies/trusts, range trusts, Cal Poly, private companies, and tribal entities that foster understanding and respect for nature, and show care and commitment to the lands future may just keep the Pecho Coast unspoiled for future generations. Conservation may be a goal and high priority for a tribal entity, however to ensure conservation of this special place and that conservation values are protected in perpetuity, conservation easements must be considered for any land transfer to make "darn-sure" that this incredible coastline is protected and sustainable public access is assured. If true, that conservation of the land is a tribal goal, then any tribal entity should have no issue for PG&E to place a caveat that these lands will be protected forever. My current calling is a part time "job" on the stunningly beautiful Pt. Buchon Trail. That "loved" trail is in existence because of prior DCP permits and mitigations. We should do the same for the remaining 12,000 acres by using the tool of decommissioning permits and land mitigations to help conserve the complete Pecho Coast and Diablo Lands - forever! | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | I have two comments: 1.) All land transfers away from P.G.E. must include conservation easements. That is the desire of the county residents as evidenced by the passage of the Dream Initiative in 2000 and the near one thousand written comments to the engagement panel. The D.C. Engagement Panel further outlined the will of our Community in its' Strategic Vision Document. The conservation easement will insure that the will of the people is protected. 2.) There is significant precedent for the conservation of D.C. Lands through mitigation. The decommissioning project must include mitigation of the rest of the Diablo Lands. This must include public access to and conservation of these lands as the community deserves and has rallied for in numerous ways over the past twenty years. Thank you. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Impact got the Avila community | The Avila General Plan Update needs to be completed and adopted before approving any new large development | Avila resident | |||
March 11, 2020 | Spent Fuel Storage | Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Those recommendations are still appropriate and I strongly support them. I am particularly concerned that the dry cast storage site be hardened against terrorist attack. The casks should be shielded from ground attack by berms surrounding the pad. More concerning is the casks extreme vulnerability when being moved from the pools to the storage pads. This slow 10 hour trip with only a water jacket for radiation protection is an inviting target. | Former member SLO County Nuclear Waste Management Committe and Former County Fire Chief | |||
March 11, 2020 | Career Opportunities for Local Students | Dear Panel Members, I work at the Plumbers and Pipefitter Union Local 403 in San Luis Obispo as an instructor and supervisor. Our hall helped build Diablo Canyon and through that process many current and past members learned our trade through the apprenticeship program. They took those skills and bettered our community through starting businesses, construction and maintenance. Many of us planned on working at Diablo Canyon for years into the future but, sadly PG&E has decided to decommission. For those who have completed their apprenticeship and become Journeyman it means traveling more to support our families. For those who are in the apprenticeship and those young people in search of high quality blue collar jobs this may limit their opportunities. I meet with high school students, teachers and counselors and many of them are looking high quality blue collar jobs. We do our best to bring in as many apprentices as we can. Our training combines classroom and on the job training. When Diablo Canyon decommissions those job opportunities could be limited or go away completely. One way to make sure there are high quality jobs for students coming out of high school is to support our all of our local apprenticeships by recommending a community workforce agreement that includes all trades. I know that the panel members do not make the final decision but your recommendations can help push things in the right direction. Please consider recommending a community workforce agreement that includes all trades. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | the meeting tonight, 3-11-20 | Dear Panel, Coming from a public health perspective, I applaud the decision to close tonight's meeting to the public. Allowing for all comments to be submitted online is a good and wise way to handle the health issue that can potentially affect us all. What I would caution, though, is a last minute maneuver for folks who either were not informed about the change or don't abide by the rules to show up and ask to have their voices heard anyway. We all know the important impact of a speaker in person, for the face to face ability to connect with another's passions and convictions, as opposed to reading them on paper or online. This would negate the democratic process of having all voices heard fairly. This might already be planned for, and I apologize if it is already dealt with, but I earnestly ask that there be paper available for those who do show up, so that they are equally represented with the ones that have been informed and are abiding by the rules. Thank you for all the work you all have been doing and continue to do, Sincerely, Wendy Lucas, MPH | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Please see attached letter. | Concerned Citizens for Avila | 2020-03-11-Letter-to-PGE-DCDEP.pdf | ||
March 11, 2020 | Environmental Impacts | Hi Panel, I have led hikes in the local area for more than 50 years and can clearly see the value of connecting Montana de Oro to Wild Cherry Canyon. It would extend the California Coastal Trail and remove the gap in SLO County that currently exists. This would be a major benefit for visitors and locals, creating recreation possibilities and spurring tourism. I ask you to consider placing a conservation easement on any new trails to ensure public access in perpetuity. Thanks for your consideration, | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Keeping Diablo Canyon open is the best way to protect the lands. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Please take time to make public comment for the Lands at Diablo Canyon and the Tribal Lands Transfer Policy. https://diablocanyonpanel.org/dcdep-public-comments-table-view/entry/1296/?gvid=2131 Diablo Decommissioning Panel Comments in Lue of public attendance. | ||||
March 11, 2020 | Lands | Please make this decommissioned land available to the pubic for walk and horseback riding. I also hope it is not offered as a whole property to the tribal Indians for sale.. | ||||
March 10, 2020 | Lands | The Northern Chumash Tribal Council Comments on Tribal Land Transfer Policy, which is Before the Decommissioning Engagement Panel For the Transfer of Tribal Lands under the Stewardship of PG&E At Diablo Canyon to Tribal Peoples March 3, 2020 First NCTC has several concerns this policy. It has been brought to our attention that a member of the Decommissioning Engagement Panel has a conflict of interest, Scott Lathrup is not recognized in the Northern Chumash Community as a Tribal Spokesperson, and it is our opinion he has been supplying the Panel with misleading information and unsubstantiated facts. A Tribal Spokesperson must earn the right to be recognized as such, Mr. Lathrup has not ever appeared at any scoping/EIR meetings, appeared before any local agency and/or spoke to preserve the Chumash Culture or Heritage, It is our opinion that Mr. Lathrup has never been seen at any meetings, nor has he stood up for the Northern Chumash ancestors, not once, this does not make a spokesperson, you have to earn it. It is NCTC opinion that Mr. Lathrup should be removed from the Panel for misleading the Panel. Mr. Lathrup does not speak for the other 12 Tribal Government on the California Native American Heritage Commission list for San Luis Obispo County, but, it is Mr. Lathrup’s duty as a community panelist to supply the Panel with accurate information about the indigenous community, and not self-dealing for his group only, and speak truthfully about the entire Northern Chumash Community, which he has not done, and should be removed and replaced. The Northern Chumash Tribal Council (NCTC) is a California Native American Chumash Tribal Government, with tribal headquarters located in Los Osos CA. NCTC was formed under the guidelines of California Senate Bill 18 April 26, 2006, as a State Recognized Tribal Government, by the Native American Heritage Commission, organized and dedicated to preservation of the Northern Chumash Culture, Heritage and Sacred Sites. NCTC is dedicated to meaningful consulting with local governments, agencies, consulting with the development community, and supporting tribal community well-being. NCTC is spearheading with local community NGO the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary, a one of a kind opportunity for all future generations. NCTC was the first Tribal Government in California to negotiate changes to the General Plan, under SB18 guidelines. NCTC was the first Tribal Government in the United States to guide the County Board of Supervisor on August 9, 2011 to be the first County Government to support and indorse the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by resolution. NCTC is the first Northern Chumash Tribal Government to place a member on the Cal Poly Presidents Advisory Council. NCTC is the first Tribal Government 2 Members of NCTC have an ancient history with the land of the Pecho Coast, family members have long been a part of that land, and the last Northern Chumash to be born on these lands is a member of NCTC. NCTC is an agriculture entity, not a casino seeking entity, and NCTC would like to secure a land base on the PG&E property, specifically the farm houses on the northern end of the property. NCTC would like to rise of our bees, fruit, and implement our newly patented thrivable vegetable growing systems, a place to bring our elders, and place to have gathering of our community, all the while sharing this beautiful lands with the broader local community. It also would be a place for education and learning of our tribal life ways, a show place our broader local community can see what NCTC is doing today for the future of our children. NCTC has always envisioned the PG&E properties as a gem to be seen by all that want to visit our great wonderful lands; open to the public, trails, horse trails, day visitations, Tribal land base, and wholesome community recreations opportunities. Second, NCTC was not notified by the CPUC, nor were the other 12 San Luis Obispo County Tribal Governments on the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) list of contacts for San Luis Obispo County. This process must have transparency, must not be limited, must not be exclusive, and must include the broader indigenous community and the broader local community of San Luis Obispo County, in all land transfer agreements. NCTC and the community of San Luis Obispo County are friends and neighbors, we work together to make it better for all. In the policy document of the California Public Utilities Commission Investor-Owned Utility Real Property- Land Disposition – First Right of Refusal for Disposition of Real Property Within the Ancestral Territories of California Native American Tribes Document, on page 6 last sentence and page 7 see the following: Comments: The Commission’s Emerging Trends Committee adopted a draft version of this policy in April 2019, and made the draft version available for public comment on the Commission’s website. The Commission received comments from the Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council, the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., the Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians, the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, the Native American Land Conservancy, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Southern California Edison Co., San Diego Gas & Electric Co., and the Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation. The Commission also conducted several workshops, both in person and via webinar, and received informal comments there. Out of all the over almost 200 Tribes in California the commission only received comments from 7 Tribes, this is inadequate attempt at outreach, it is NCTC opinion that NAHC Tribal list for all 3 Any and all agreement, MOA, MOU letters of intent and contracts based on the above referenced Tribal lands should be void. No agreements should have been made without full disclosure and transparency to all interested parties. Environmental Justice needs to be served. How would the land be transferred? Is it free? Is it a donation? Is there bidding? What is the clear delineation of the terms for Tribal Lands transfer? Meaningful consultation means tribal consultation in advance with the decision maker or with intermediaries with clear authority to present tribal views, this should comprise meetings and a series of communications, providing clear and detailed information about the surplus property to tribal decision makers so that the tribe can adequately assess whether historical, cultural, or spiritual resources are impacted by the disposition. The IOU and CPUC should make every attempt to contact Tribal Governments on the NAHC list at the very least 7 times. Most tribal governments are small, and overburdened with more than 200 notices per month under AB 52, SB 18, NEPA, 106, and other regulations, and these notices usually fall on overburdened hands. An IOU notices must use this understanding, and make sure meaningful contact attempts have been made, before moving forward. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this so very important Policy, the Indigenous Peoples have long been forgotten, it is so inspiring to see this great support for the re-acquiring of our lands, our lands that will help us heal from the dark days. Northern Chumash Tribal Council, Inc. | Northern Chumash Tribal Council | |||
March 10, 2020 | Lands | Violet Sage Walker Dear Diablo Decommissioning Panel Comments in Lue of public attendance.: The distinction between Chumash groups, that may have shared territories, are akin to differences in religious, political, environmentalism ideologies. These differences have created a crevasse as wide as the Grand Canyon and as deep. Please understand for personal family reasons two Northern Chumash Tribes should not be confused. The Northern Chumash Tribal Council, Inc. was formed under the guidelines of California Senate Bill 18 on April 26, 2006, as a state-recognized mutual benefit corporation (EIN 84-1709436) NCTC was the first to register and use the name Northern Chumash in our Non-Profit organization. NCTC is one of several State Recognized California Native American Tribes in Northern San Luis Obispo County and has been reviewing all projects in San Luis Obispo for the past 30 years previously under the San Luis Obispo Chumash Council and under the direction of elders who have since past. Hence, it has come to my attention that the panel members may not be aware of the distinct divide and separation between the two groups. I would never presume to speak for another Tribe or deny another tribal organization its respect and due process afforded to them as individuals. NCTC has been working closely with many of the panel members on various issues for the last few decades. Those who know us, know that we show up, we comment, we participate we are engaged with the community when we KNOW about it. NCTC affirms the willingness to work with the community to have open space, public access to Pecho Coast lands around Diablo canyon. With all due respect please set aside the discussion on the tribal lands until the CPUC can hold meetings and public comments in our community. Please include us in the future direction of the panel. And lastly, I have documented ownership of the lands and oral traditions previous to Spanish occupation of the lands in question dating back to the early 1800’s and we are officially requesting the opportunity to get it back. Sincerely, | Northern Chumash Tribal Council | northernchumash.org | Northern-Chumash-Motion-for-Party-Status.PDF | avila-sewer.docx |
March 10, 2020 | Lands | I am one of thousands of people in this county who invoke you to conserve and protect this 12,000 acres of | Mothers for Peace | |||
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