Strategic Vision Report

Strategic Vision, Goals and Recommendations

This Strategic Vision was prepared by the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel. The Panel anticipates that the Strategic Vision will have multiple purposes. In December 2018, PG&E submitted its Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (Triennial Report) to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The Panel has submitted the initial Strategic Vision (prepared in 2018) as a supplement to that Triennial Report, and will submit each revision of the Strategic Vision as it is completed. The Strategic Vision will also be a stand-alone document that will be available to the community, stakeholders and regulatory agencies to provide information about the decommissioning process and recommendations from the Panel that reflect the community’s wishes for what will occur before, during and after decommissioning.

The Strategic Vision will be revised, updated and refined as the Panel continues to hold public meetings and workshops and receive comments on other important issues associated with the decommissioning process. This includes the complex issue of long-term storage and intended future removal from the DCPP site of spent nuclear fuel, a review and self-evaluation of the Panel, the potential economic impacts of the closure of Diablo Canyon Power Plant, transportation of demolished materials from the site and the Panel’s response to the Triennial Report.

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