Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel

Public Comments

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August 11, 2018Lands

Please consider extending the multi use trail network through this area for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians for the public to enjoy. There is a established volunteer network of the public that would assist and support in this effort. Thank you.

Atascadero Horsemen Club, Back Country Horsemen, Los Padres Unit and CCCMB
August 11, 2018Lands

For the lands I would suggest three things 1) continued use of the power plant for tours as a tourist attraction, 2) construct a barracks-type facility to house the homeless, and utilize their labor for community service, and lastly 3) convert most of the land to open space for hiking. Thanks.

August 10, 2018Lands

The land should be made part of the State Park. Absolutely no housing built on it. The road that leads up to the PG&E gate on the Montania de Oro side should be improved and go through to AVila Beach. New trails should be made and maintained.

Live in Los Osos
August 10, 2018Lands

I support opening the applicable areas for public access

Ride Nipomo
August 10, 2018Lands

Hiking, open space,

August 10, 2018Lands

I'd like to see it become a wilderness park with camping and hiking access. With the hopes of one day becoming a state/national park.

5 cities resident
August 10, 2018Repurposing of Facilities

I'd like to see the desalination facility studied and if found safe used for drinking or grey water use locally.

5 cities resident
August 9, 2018Lands

we'd like to see the property of Diablo lands and Wild Cherry cyn set aside for conservation and public access for a 20 mile coastal multi-use trail thru Irish Hills

August 9, 2018Lands

Incredible piece of property: would suggest it be used similar to Point Buchon - open to public for hiking, picnicing & simple enjoyment

August 9, 2018Environmental Impacts

Ensure adequate clean-up of site

August 9, 2018Environmental Impacts

Ensure current & future wildlife is protected:

August 9, 2018Lands

As the waste will remain in the pools and casks indefinitely, please plan for a generous and enforceable buffer zone around the plant; only passive recreation should be planned for on PG&E lands beyond this zone, preferably linking with Montana de Oro SP. Partnering with CCCMB (central coast concerned mountain bikers) for multi-use public trail design and construction would ensure a successful trail network. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

August 8, 2018Lands

The highest priority ought to be leaving the greatest amount of untouched open space for no uses other than hiking in perpetuity. We need all the open space we can preserve for future generations.

August 8, 2018Lands

If like to see the land used for public access and trail use instead of more condos

August 8, 2018Lands

I am very interested and support special trails built for public Access such as hiking and mountain biking

CCCMB, and local citizen of Arroyo Grande
August 8, 2018Lands

This beautiful land should be open to the public.

August 8, 2018Lands

Public lands belong to the people who have been and will be impacted by the 40 years of nuclear activity here. There should be a trail system, parks, and a place for educational purposes including the headquarters of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.

Mothers for Peace
August 8, 2018Lands

Keep the surrounding land wild!!!!!!

August 8, 2018Lands

Return as much of the land as possible to pre-project conditions and preserve the remainder as wildlife habitats, non-motorized recreation opportunities, and open (including developed park) space. The area offers too much beauty and has already paid its dues "serving the public" for power generation. Let it rest in peacefulness and natural harmony!

Pacific Coast Conservation Alliance
August 8, 2018Safety

The nuclear industry always must put safety first and exhibit a safety culture.

August 8, 2018Lands

I would like to see the land preserved as open space/recreational. One priority would be completion of the California coast trail through this section of land.

August 8, 2018Lands

I would love to see multi use trails for recreation all throughout the area. Hiking, bicycling, horse trails, etc. There are volunteer groups that will help plan and build them! Thank you

Santa Maria valley open space, cccmb trail volunteer
August 8, 2018Lands

I want some public access and conservation. Coastal trails that can be accessible via Irish Hills would be great. Make the trails multi-use for hikers and bikers.

August 8, 2018Lands

I am in favor of conserving the land around the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Including Wild Cherry Canyon) and building several multi-use trails for public access.

August 8, 2018Lands

Allow public access and trail construction in Wild Cherry Canyon. That will end a gap in the Calif. Coastal Trail. It will also greatly enhance public enjoyment of nature and increase tourism.

sentient beings
August 8, 2018Lands

I support increased access and trail development on the lands, especially mixed use trails for hikers, bikers, and horses.

August 8, 2018Lands

I would like to see these lands used for public access. I'm guessing it was we ratepayers who payed for you to use the land in the first place, so now it's time to give it back to us so we can preserve what is left of it as open space.

August 7, 2018Lands

I look forward to increased public access for hiking and passive use in the hills and along the coast. This is the time to preserve Wild Cherry Canyon.

August 7, 2018Repurposing of Facilities

Great idea to re-purpose the buildings for alternative energy production. Also a perfect opportunity to learn by doing decomissioning so it is done right.

August 7, 2018Lands

The land should return to the yak tiyu tiyu yak tilhini Northern Chumash Tribe.

August 7, 2018Lands

That entire area should be cover with solar panels. The water area should be used for tide power generation. Why am I not surprised it is not already that way.

August 7, 2018Lands

I would like to see public access and conservation of this land.

August 7, 2018Lands

Keep it as natural as possible and put a wild trail in from Avila to Los Osos. Zero houses.

August 7, 2018Lands

The whole Diablo property should be turned into a beautiful State park.

August 7, 2018Lands

If the land is designated a National Park, the income from the visitors would enrich the area. National Parks are destinations that bring tourism and at the same time preserve the land for the public and care for it in a sensitive way. Undeveloped coastline is rare now and we would be wise to preserve it in it’s current state. Thanks 💚🌿💚

August 7, 2018Repurposing of Facilities

It makes good business sense to repurpose and reuse the existing facilities, especially the desalinization plant and power grid. A new National Park could benefit from the existing infrastructure.

August 7, 2018Lands

It would be wonderful to have this beautiful shoreline remain forever open to hiking, biking, and camping.

August 7, 2018Repurposing of Facilities

I support the idea of using the power distribution network to deliver renewable energy such as wind, solar, or wave power

August 7, 2018Economic Impacts of Decommissioning

i very unhappy about the goverment not work with them to keep it running. the economic impact to this county is to great & will impact all. we need electricity and goverment bull has already shut down 1 plant that was far safer and not diablo!

the public
August 7, 2018Lands

connecting Wild Cherry Canyon and Montana de Oro would be a huge assest to our area for locals and eco-tourists alike. I had the pleasure (and pain) of running the Wild Cherry Canyon race both times it was presented.

San Luis Distance Club
August 7, 2018Lands

I strongly hope that these prime wild lands will be conserved for wildlife, possibly with some trails for humans. But development of any type should be rigorously avoided; this is too precious and unique an area to build on.

August 7, 2018Environmental Impacts

The public lands from Avila Beach to the southern end of Montana de Oro State Park are essential habitat for burrowing owls and peregrine falcons. Please keep them safe from drilling and manufacturing and building.

Morro Coast Audubon Society
August 7, 2018Lands

Open surrounding lands of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, including Wild Cherry Canyon to public access, hiking etc.

August 7, 2018Lands

Open space and trails. Separate bikes and pedestrians. Allow dogs!

August 7, 2018Lands

I'd like the Land Conservancy or another such group to own and preserve the canyons. Thank you.

August 7, 2018Lands

The beautiful views, rich natural/ecological and cultural heritage should be preserved intact. There are very few areas like this left in the world, and we need to keep it as a nature reserve.

August 7, 2018Lands

I strongly oppose using the lands for housing development. I support conservation.

August 6, 2018Environmental Impacts

Environmental impacts on the land in question should be considered carefully, and fully.

August 6, 2018Lands

I receive the following comment from a member of the public:

“National Park please!”

August 6, 2018Lands

The best way to preserve the land would be to keep Diablo Canyon operating. Even the state parks representatives state that PG&E does a great job of somservation on these 12 miles of coastline. State parks don’t have as much money or resources.
I would like to see a transition away from supporting cattle ranching on the lands. Bring back native grasses and shrubs and stop supporting methane-producing beef.

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